is an easy and affordable way to add character, texture, and style to a room.
Whether you opt for classic wallpaper rolls or modern wall murals with
peel-and-stick technology, there are lots of creative ways you can use
wallpaper to liven up any room in your home. From bold statement prints on an
accent wall to smaller-scale patterns in multiple colors, the possibilities are
endless! From traditional floral motifs and stripes to whimsical geometric
shapes and 3D textures, the options are truly limitless.
Wallpaper can be a great way to add color and
texture to a room without feeling overwhelming. From large-scale murals to
subtle and sophisticated designs, there are plenty of creative options for
using wallpaper in your home. Here are seven inspiring ideas that will help you
achieve the perfect look!
Faux Textured Wallpapers
Adding texture to a space can help add character
and instantly make rooms feel more inviting. Faux textured
wallpapers are available in a range of shades and styles, from classic
neutral tone designs to bolder and more daring prints. This type of wallpaper
is perfect for rooms that need a subtle touch of texture without overdoing it.
Create an eye-catching feature wall or cover the entire room in stylish
wallpaper with faux texture!
Modern Florals
If you’re looking for a way to add a modern
touch to your space, opt for modern florals! Floral wallpaper designs have
evolved over time and now come in a range of subtle color combinations that
look timeless yet chic. Create an entryway feature wall with modern florals or
choose them for bedrooms and living rooms – they’ll bring the perfect balance
of classic elegance and updated style.
Retro-Inspired Wallpapers
Shake up your home’s interior with a dose of
nostalgia! Show off your personality and sense of fun with retro-inspired
wallpapers. Whether you go for abstract geometric designs, playful motifs, or
bright colors, retro wallpaper lets you express your style without taking
itself too seriously – perfect for adding a relaxed vibe to any room.
Geo and Chevron Patterns
Many of today’s retro-inspired wallpapers take
their cues from mid-century geometric and chevron designs. If you’re looking
for bold, graphic accents, opt for wallpaper featuring gridlines, stripes, or
interlocking diamond patterns. Perfect for adding a modern twist to any room,
geo and chevron prints are sure to make a statement!
Wood or Stone Panel Wallpapers
If you’re looking for wall murals with the look of
natural wood or stone, many retailers have faux panel wallpaper options. Choose
from a variety of colors, from natural creams and whites to blue-grey hues.
These wallpapers can help create an elegant, sophisticated feel perfect for
adding texture and warmth to any room.
Photo background ideas at home
Wallpaper is an excellent option for adding
style and personality to the walls of your home. From classic prints to modern
designs, there are so many wallpaper patterns available today that you're sure
to find wallpaper that suits your style. With different textures and colors,
you can even create unique effects like faux woodgrain or mosaic tile for an
added touch of elegance. Whether you’re looking for something classic or
trendsetting, there is wallpaper out there for you!
Cool wallpaper for rooms
Whether you’re looking for something subtle and
calming, or vivid, bold, and daring, wallpaper is the perfect way to enhance
any living space. A great selection of styles and patterns can bring any room
to life with a unique look and atmosphere. There are endless options to choose
from that will help you find the perfect wallpaper for your walls.
How much wallpaper do i need for a 12x12 room?
To figure out how much wallpaper you need for a
12x12 room, you first have to measure the width and height of each wall.
Multiply the width times the height in order to calculate the total square
footage of each wall. Add up the numbers and that should tell you the total
amount of square footage needed for all four walls. From there divide this
number by whichever roll size you plan on purchasing (in terms of square feet)
to figure out exactly how many rolls you need for this job.
How much wallpaper do i need for a room?
To determine how much wallpaper you need for a
room, measure the walls and note the measurements. Multiply the height of each
wall by its width to calculate its surface area, then add up all of the walls'
surface areas. Depending on your desired design, you may need multiple rolls,
so be sure to factor that into the equation when determining exactly how much
wallpaper you will need.
How do you use wallpaper to make a room look
Wallpaper can be an effective solution if you
want to make a room look bigger. Using light colors will reflect more of the
available light, creating an appearance of spaciousness. Conversely, dark
colors will add warmth and contrast but may also reduce the overall size
perception. Furthermore, using wide strip wallpaper or larger patterned designs
will draw attention away from the actual walls and towards the design of the
wallpaper itself. Additionally, using geometric patterns instead of organic
ones can further enhance the feeling of space in a room.